Author Archive for Alva Logsdon – Page 25

Pet Adoption: The Adjustment Period

March 25, 2011 Guest Blogger, Big Dogs Huge Paws I invited Big Dogs Huge Paws rescue to be a guest blogger because the information they present about the pet adoption adjustment period is highly educational and helpful for successful adoptions. When animal rescues help match adopters with pets and help educate adopting families, the chance
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Awareness Followed By Action

I was reading through the Dallas Animal Services Annual Report; it’s disgusting. This is ONE TEXAS shelter, imagine the statistics across Texas. We need to continue to create the awareness of the severity of the problem and demand action. According to the Dallas Animal Services Commission Annual Report, DAS impounded: 34,399 animals in 2009-2010, adopted
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The Dog Your Man Could Love Like (Old Spice Commercial Parody)

August 10, 2010 We laughed when we saw “The Man Your Man Could Love Like” Old Spice commercials … and then realized that it mirrored perfectly the high standards dogs set for teaching us to love unconditionally. To promote pet adoption, we created this video; Tico himself once homeless and in need of medical care
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Take Your Pet Adoption Message Further!

August 2, 2010 Best Practices for Animal Rescues Series Hey Texas, did you know that you can SHARE ANY BLOG, PHOTO or VIDEO on our website across many platforms including email? Below EACH blog, photo, video (etc.) is a “SHARE” link. Click “share” and you have the opportunity to share on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and
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I Rescued A Human Today

September 5, 2009 Pets bring such joy and sparkle to our lives. Their unconditional love is unmatched, their instincts to protect and love a unique gift. This article illustrates what a dog brings to our life, as told from the perspective of a dog awaiting adoption. I Rescued a Human Today by Janine Allen Her
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Traveling With Pets

traveling with pets

September 2, 2009 Making plans for a weekend get-away this Labor Day holiday? Don’t forget to include your beloved pet in the planning process! Among the most important accessories to assure your pet never leaves home without is their collar, ID tag, rabbies’ tag, and leash! A favorite toy or blanket, food bowl, and water
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WE’VE MOVED! Visit us at:

The Pawsitively Texas social network has a new address; to access our community, go to: