Meet Brady A Puppy Tossed in a Dumpster to Die

Puppy Left to Die in Dumpster - Rescued April 15, 2011

Lynda Stapel with the rescue Texas Little Cuties shares this horrific story of the abuse and abandonment Brady suffered before he was fortunate enough to come into their care. They could use some financial help with his medical care and if you’d like to help, please donate to the vet listed below).

From the hands of cruelty, to the arms of love; this is Brady’s story…

“On Saturday, Texas Little Cuties Rescue took in a male 3 1/2 month old puppy that someone tried to cruelly kill. He was found in a dumpster in Dallas with his eyes, nose, ears and mouth duct tapped shut and with a broken shin. He was found when a resident of the nearby complex went to take out her trash and heard him moving around. She pulled him out of the dumpster before he could suffocate to death from the heat and the inability to pant to cool himself. Luckily, whomever did this to him, did it later in the day as the trash company had emptied the dumpster earlier in the day (which would have crushed him). As the duct tape was taken off, his eyes had been open underneath. He is now in a foster home and has been named Brady.
Brady needs surgery to repair his broken shin and Texas Little Cuties needs to raise the estimated $1500-$2000 to pay for his surgery and care.Rescued puppy dumped in trash dumpster with duct tape on eyes and mouth Texas Little Cuties is a 501C3 Non-Profit rescue and any person wishing to donate can receive a donation receipt to use as a tax write off. Texas Little Cuties will post a “chip-in” on Facebook to raise money for Brady. Dr. Shelton with 380 West Animal Hospital is also accepting donations for Brady’s care. Please consider donating to help this poor baby boy get the surgery that he needs and show him that there are humans that are kind and not cruel. Please also forward Brady’s story to anyone you know who might be able to help him, the more people we can reach the better chance we have of raising funds for him. I have listed all donation information below:

photo of brady after being rescued from a trash dumpster380 West Animal Hospital
Please designate your donation for Brady with Texas Little Cuties

Editor’s Note: We just have to cheer the triumphant and resilient personality of these precious ones that have suffered such a horrific abuse. You’re in good hands now, Brady, a happy, safe, and loving future awaits you!




  1. So sorry to read about all that happened to this loveable little dog…He’s a cutie….Wish I could help with the moneys he needs but I cant do it right now…also I hope they find out who threw this boy away like a peice or trash that he IS NOT…and gets the most jail time and high fines…All this abuse must be known, and the ones that do the abuse will know WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY….U WILL GET YOURS….kisses and hugs to you Brady…from Oklahoma…

  2. Kudos to the rescuer and those who raised the $$ to help this precious baby. I live in Miami and I’m trying to organize a 5K run/walk to help with rescues and shelters.

    If you know anyone who lives in the Miami area and would like to help out please have them “friend” me on FB or message me there. Laureen Wheeler

  3. This is horrible. I just don’t understand some people. He is so adorable and no animal deverves this. Thank god for the lady who found him in time. God Bless all that donate to this poor baby. I would take him in a heart beat if he does not already have a home.

  4. Poor, sweet Brady! I hope you recover well from your surgery & the horrible pain you were left to endure. Sending love and support to those who rescued Brady, those who will nurse him back to health & those who teach him that not all humans are bad. And I hope karma takes care of that useless piece of junk that did such a horrible thing to Brady. Will look for the chip-in on Facebook.

  5. Whoever did it has probably done it countless times before. I hope they are caught in the act one day and that justice is served!

  6. Just donated.. So happy to see this sweet boy is being cared for & that the goal has been reached for his surgery!!

  7. so glad he was safe. I got a call late sat night about him and was ready to go pick him up to foster. Thanks so much to you all for taking him in and getting him well. such a cutie

  8. That is disgusting how someone could just throw away an innocent creature like that. If you don’t want the least have the decency to take him to a shelter and give him a chance…

  9. How awful. People just make me sick. How on earth could someone just be so heartless?!?!?! SICK SICK SICK TWISTED PEOPLE!!!! :/ poor baby….prayers for him. Get well soon sweetie!! Whoever his foster parent is, make sure he knows that he is loved by many!!!!

  10. Yet another senseless act which only proves ALL that is wrong with inhumane atrocities of our innocent God given creatures! (the irony of human garbage throwing out a treasure) As Brady’s life begins anew-may he be showered with much love and affection for many healthy, happy years! Donated & praying <3

  11. Socio-psychologists have said for years, that the way someone treats an animal is the way they are capible of treating a person!
    This person is a threat to society and our laws should take this behavior very serious by enforcing harsh punishment to anyone convicted.

  12. It’s even more sure that I’ve always said I love my dogs more than people. Poor baby!! Sick twisted MF! People wonder why other people love their dogs and prefer their company????? At least he has gotten the $ to be treated and get well. What kind of dog is he? I hope he gets adopted soon. keep us updated…….interested in adoption :-). My little Charlie needs a buddy!!

  13. This makes me want to hit someone….and hard. Preferably the ____ who did this. What kind of human being does this to another breathing thing???? Seriously. I just don’t get it. There is something wrong with the person who did this and I hope nothing but bad things come his/her way.

  14. They need to do the same thing to the person that did that do this precious baby! GO KARMA! Animals love us unconditionally, we should return the same. I hope he gets the greatest home with tons of love!

  15. How could someone do this to one of God’s creatures? I have a gray pit, he is an amazing pet, wish more people could experience how loving this breed can be. God Bless this little puppy and give him the home he so richly deserves.

  16. Bless your kind heart, and there are no coincidences, You blessed this sweet puppy with a chance at life and hopefully tons of love.

  17. Anyone with real interest in adopting please fill out an application at Thanks again for everyones support!

  18. Whoever did this to him needs to be tied up with duct tape and thrown into a dumpster. Let’s see how they like that.

  19. I cried when I read Brady’s story, thank God he was rescued!!! Whoever did this is in desperate need themselves and most likely suffering abuse as well. I say let them pay the highest fine, jail time, etc., then get them help so they never hurt another living being. Just say NO to abuse and cruelty…for all.

  20. Thank you from the bottom of my soul for saving this innocent angel of a dog. Brady deserves a lifetime of love, and with your care I know he will get it!

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