Norah The Miracle Stray Faces Her Next Battle

norah and pups cancer - photoJuly 20, 2010

Norah first captured our hearts when we called her and her puppies “10 Miracles.” Norah had lived on the street for years, in a draining ditch near a busy road. For almost four years she survived, alone in the world.

Some dedicated folks in rescue, JP Bonnelly and Rekka Melby worked to save her. Then, to their surprise, they discovered she’d recently had nine puppies found in the bushes nearby. Take Me Home Pet Rescue, in Richardson, took this precious family in to vet and prepare for adoption. Click here to see the beautiful story of this awesome pet rescue from April of this year. And click here to see this beautiful canine family just a few short weeks later relishing in a life that offers them safety, provides for their needs, and simply … love – posted in June. Both of these videos are so worth a watch – they will fill your heart to overflow! True “must see!”

Norah’s story continues to unfold, and with it, a bit of sadness. Rekka fosters Norah and received the terrible news when she was spayed that she had a tumor. The worst fears were realized when the vet confirmed the tumor is cancerous. Upon further research, it was discovered that the form of cancer is called Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) which can actually be spread from dog to dog from something as simple as “sniffing,” but also through mating.

As daunting as this news is, there is reason to hope! With chemo treatment, Norah has a 90% survival rate. Of course Norah’s team is behind her 100% and the hope is that she’ll continue on her miraculous streak at beating the odds.

Rekka reports “She survived 4 years on the streets so hopefully she can survive this too. I still have 2 of her puppies and that seems to be the best medicine around-they definitely seem to cheer her up.”

The chemo treatment and vet bills are expected to be $1,500; Take Me Home Pet Rescue (TMHPR) is a 501c3 non-profit and can greatly use donations of any amount to reach this goal. You can follow and/or make a donation for Norah’s cancer care with TMHPR. Norah’s support team also greatly appreciates your thoughts, prayers, and sharing of Norah’s story!

Don’t forget to watch the videos of her rescue, then later playing with her puppies (links above). So, so precious! And such a reminder there are few rewards quite like animal rescue! We’re cheering for your Norah, you’ve certainly captured our hearts!

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  1. Thank you for posting the information to help Norah and her updates since the beginning! I don’t know how many times I’ve seen the videos (great job, Rekka!), but they still choke me up…and I was there!

    Rekka and TMHPR have done such an excellent job taking care of Norah and her wonderful puppies!

    To have seen Norah where she was just a few months ago and where she is now is nothing short of amazing. She has turned out to be a beautiful sweet girl even after 4 years of loneliness on the streets.

    Please take a moment to read her story and see her videos. A small (or large!) donation will go a long way to help this beautiful girl recover from her illness and live the long happy life she so well deserves…

    Thank you,
    JP Bonnelly

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